About Me
I started my Yoga journey in my 20’s and for the first time in my life, I found pockets of calm when I stepped onto the mat.
After the birth of my second child I longed more to be able to slow down, switch off and learn more around Yoga philosophy.
I started my Yoga TT working with children, as I felt so passionate that if we can support our children to learn the vital skills that the breath, relaxation and movement can bring to adults it can not only support them but enhance their lives.
I discovered Yoga in the twenties and I remember someone telling me that Yoga would really help my life and I fiercely dismissed it as in all honesty I just didn’t ‘Get it’.
I had worked hard within my Marketing Career and climbed the corporate ladder on paper I had a great job within an amazing company but I always felt I was not on the right path.
My love affair with Yoga really began after the birth of my second child and the difficulty of post-natal depression, the breakdown of my marriage and unrest within my corporate job.

More About Me.
My first yoga class quickly turned into two classes a week, then daily practice along with more than just the Asana Practice it was the more spiritual awareness of how I behaved and reacted on that yoga mat could help me adapt manage and change how I ‘showed up’ in the world.
I went on a Yoga retreat in the summer of 2016 and a good friend told me to read a book on working with the moon. I had never heard of this concept but I take a good book recommendation seriously, especially to learn more.
On the trip it happened to be a New Moon in Leo, a time where you ask the universe to help you manifest what you really want for your life. It’s a time when you ask yourself “are you using your ‘gifts’ and talents in the world and can you show the world how great you are?”.
I wrote down in my brand new ‘New Moon Journal’ that I wanted to be a Yoga Teacher and teach Yoga to children.
Yoga brought me a sense of calm that I had been searching for all my life and allowed me to start to unravel into the person I really was, not the person I felt I should be.

More About Me.
I felt that if I had the emotional support of Yoga when I was younger, then my teen life would have be much easier to navigate.
I asked for an amount of money to enable me to manage the transition and for the path to open up to make it happen.
Just six weeks later I quit my previous job with a redundancy settlement to help me start my new journey, initially as a Children’s Yoga teacher. This made me realise you must be clear and set intentions to get what you want.
I have been lucky enough to work within many local primary schools, teaching Children Yoga and Teen Yoga (Teen Yoga Foundation 100hrs) with both Yoga Classes, Workshops and Well-being projects within Manchester.
Being forced into Menopause at 38 was difficult, I lost the flexibility in my body and mind. I lost a sense of who I was and my identity was gone, along with the ability to think clearly and without a cycle I missed a rhythm to my life.
I experienced 20-30 hot flushes daily, gained weight and felt weak in my body. I pulled deep into my practices, I used the moon as my menstrual cycle and I navigated through each month building a toolkit to return to myself.
I integrated the Moon’s Wisdom into my life, it’s part of every practice I teach and use, I live my life with the rhythm of the moon and the seasons.
The Moon is on a 29 day cycle – like most women – and represents powerful feminine energy. It signifies wisdom, intuition, birth, death, reincarnation, and a spiritual connection.
Moon cycles are the reminder of the cycle of life; we are born from a seed, we bloom, and we die.
The Moon
Once we are attuned to the Moon, we can activate her innate powers and embody her innate qualities of fluidity, creativity, femininity, and change.
The moon also represents our deepest personal needs. We can use the knowledge and energy of the Moon’s cycle to better connect to ourselves.
Once we are attuned to the Moon, we can activate her innate powers but we can learn so much more about our own inner patterns and seasons.
Each phase of the Moon’s cycle has a unique visual characteristic and spiritual meaning. Her cyclical course also signifies the rhythm of life within us.
Every two and a half days the moon moves through a different cycle and this can affect our energy levels, mood and element.
Tracking our cycle, following the moon allows us to ‘tune in’ to our own natural rhythms to help us understand ourselves better. The movement and breath work within Yoga help you to connect with your body and I believe it ‘shows you’ a lot of your patterns and reactions on the mat and slowly discover these are lessons for how you are in life off the mat.
My journey through yoga has been so enriching and I have been blessed with some amazing people.
Over the years I have been very lucky to train with some amazing teachers that has helped to diversify my teaching style and practice since qualifying with my 200 hrs with Sun Power Yoga in 2017 and The Yoga People 60 hrs Yin & Anatomy Training and Mandala Methodology 30 hrs.